Types of Noun in Hindi and English

Types of nouns with examples in hindi | Types of noun in hindi, definition 

आज हम types of nouns with examples in hindi के बारे में पढ़ेंगे और साथ ही में हम आपको types of noun in hindi, definition के बारे मे भी बताएंगे।

Noun Definition
A Noun is defined as a word referring to the names of person, place, thing, state, or quality. The noun is a part of speech that can be classified into both singular & plural forms. In English Grammar, nouns are classified into various types and to understand each type of noun in detail you must read the article further.

Noun (संज्ञा) Meaning in Hindi
A word that indicates the name of any person/creature, place or object is called a noun. The hindi translation of Noun is संज्ञा and the definition for Noun in Hindi is- संज्ञा वह शब्द जिसमें किसी भी प्राणी या व्यक्ति, स्थान या वस्तु के नाम को दर्शाता हो उसे संज्ञा कहते हैं।

Types of Nouns with Examples
There are 8 types of nouns in English Grammar. All 8 types of nouns with examples are explained in the below section. 

1) Proper Noun
The particular name of the place or a person is known as the proper noun. 
जैसे अगर आपके सामने दो इंसान हो और दोनो भी लड़किया हो तो, जो उनका नाम होगा वह उनके लिए proper name कहलाएगा।
अगर कोई देशों के नाम हो तो उन देश के नाम को proper noun कहते हैं जैसे 
Ex. India, China, Sameer, Priya etc.

2) Collective Noun
A name or noun used to denote a group of people, things or a group of animals is called a collective noun. Collective nouns are also called a group of nouns.
यह तो नाम से समझ आ जायेगा , जो भी समूह में या group में होगा वह collective noun होता हैं। जैसे
Ex. Team (Team India), Committee, Squad, Family.
यहां हमने collective noun की लिस्ट दी है जो आप specific purpose के लिए उसे कर सकते है , sheep के group को हम herd कहेंगे।
Collective noun for bees – Swarm
Collective noun for fish – Shoal or School
Collective noun for sheep – Herd
Collective noun for ships – Fleet
Collective noun for birds – Flock
Collective noun for lions – Pride
Collective noun for wolves – Pack
Collective noun for ants – Colony

Collective Nouns for People
Collective noun for actors – Troupe, Company or Cast
Collective noun for soldiers – Army
Collective noun for musicians – Band
Collective noun for warriors – Troop
Collective noun for directors – Board
Collective noun for sailors – Crew
Collective noun for singers – Choir
Collective noun for dancers – Group
Collective noun for thieves – Pack
Collective noun for players – Team
Collective noun for delegates – Delegation
Collective noun for judges – Panel or Bench

Collective Nouns for Objects/Things
Collective noun for cards – Deck/Pack
Collective noun for cigarettes – Packet
Collective noun for mountains – Range
Collective noun for apples – Bushel
Collective noun for bananas – Comb
Collective noun for grapes – Bunch
Collective noun for flowers – Bunch or Bouquet
Collective noun for trees – Grove or Forest

3) Common Noun
The common name given to every person, place, thing or activity belonging to the same kind is known as the common noun. A common noun is not a name of a particular person, place, activity or idea. 
Common यानी दोनो में एक जैसा क्या है, जैसे Priya और Meena में common है के वो लड़किया हैं और साथ ही human भी हैं, तो वह उनके common noun होगे।
Ex. girl, boy, men, women, lawyer, Engineer etc.

4) Material Noun
The names used to mention materials or substances which are made up of and can be perceived by our senses are material nouns. 
Ex. Gold, Aluminium, Iron, Plastic, cement etc.

5) Concrete Noun
The names used for the materials or the things which have physical existence or that materials are tangible in nature are known as Concrete nouns. 
Ex. Table, Television, Laptop, Mobile phones. 

6) Abstract Noun
The names which are used for an idea, quality, concept or condition are known as Abstract nouns. Abstract nouns are not physical substances, they don't have physical existence. 
Ex. Courage, bravery, cowardice, Love, fear, anger, joy, excitement, Friendship, Love, Freedom, Excellence, Patience etc.

7) Countable Noun
Countable nouns are nouns that can be counted and are plural, that can occur in a noun phrase with a numeral or an indefinite article. Common nouns and concrete nouns can be countable nouns.
जिसे गिना जा सके।
dog, cat, animal, man, person, bottle, box, litre, coin, note, dollar, cup, plate, fork, table, chair, suitcase, bag.

8) Uncountable Noun
The noun that cannot be counted is known as uncountable noun. These nouns are also called Mass nouns. All abstract nouns are uncountable nouns but not all uncountable nouns are abstract.
जिसे गिना नहीं जा सकता।
music, art, love, happiness,badvice, information, news, furniture, luggage, rice, sugar, butter, water, electricity, gas, power, money, currency.

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