Words to describe rainy weather | how to describe rainy weather in English? How to describe beautiful rainy weather in Hindi?


Words to describe rainy weather | how to describe rainy weather in English? How to describe beautiful rainy weather in Hindi?


let's understand the use of 'it' first.


When you talk about the weather in English, use 'it'.

Vocabulary related to rainy day in English

The forecast calls for scattered showers

A meteorologist - a person who studies the weather

A forecast - is a meteorologist’s prediction about the weather.

A shower  - is a short period of rain in a small area

Scattered - spread over a wide area

Scattered showers -  are periods of light rain happening in a few places, not just in one place.

A storm is a combination of rain, wind, and sometimes thunder & lightning.

What not say In the rainy season in English?

Rain falls from the clouds. Though we don’t say, “rain is falling,” English speakers understand that this is the movement of rain.

Don't say - 

The rain is really falling down

it’s raining cats and dogs

rain is falling

It will rain

You can ask these questions to someone or you can be asked these.

What’s it like outside? Is it raining?

What’s the weather like?

How is it outside? Is it raining?

Is it still raining out?

Words to describe rainy weather

There are different synonyms you can use depending on whether it is light rain or heavy rain.

The most common thing to say about rain in English is, “It’s raining.”

It’s spitting meaning in English

Spitting is very light rain, rain that you can barely feel.

“It’s just spitting a little.”

It’s drizzling meaning in English

Drizzling is more than spitting, less than raining.

It’s been raining on and off all day.

On and off means starting & stopping, then starting again over a period of time.

“It’s pouring.” meaning in English

The pouring is very heavy rain.

“It is pouring rain outside!”

It’s really coming down out there!

to describe very heavy rain.

The phrasal verb to come down means fall from the sky in very large amounts.

I’ve had enough of all this rain!

When you are bored, annoyed, or angry with something or someone, use the expression “I’ve had enough of … “ It means that you just don’t want to experience it anymore.

Take your umbrella. It looks like it’s going to rain.

Don’t say “It will rain.” When you are predicting the weather, use 'be going to'.

It is going to rain.

Let’s stay inside until the rain lets up.

The phrasal verb let up means stop completely or at least become slower. Say this sentence when want to wait until the rain stops.

We got caught in a downpour.

A downpour is a sudden, unexpected, heavy rain, or a lot of rain in a short period of time.

The phrase to get caught in (something) means become unexpectedly affected by or involved in something.

We were caught in a downpour.

We were caught in a storm.

I got soaking wet.

Sometimes in life, you can’t escape the rain. Sometimes it starts raining on the day when you forgot your umbrella at home. When you are in the rain, you get wet.


Wet is an adjective that you can use to describe both the weather and water. If the weather is wet, it’s raining.

My clothes are wet from the rain.

September is a miserable month. It’s cold and dark and wet.

It’s going to be a cold, wet morning.

It’s going to be a wet one tomorrow!

It’s going to be a wet and windy day.

I got soaking wet while I was walking home in the rain.

My clothes are soaking! We were out in the rain for hours.

It was an outdoor concert. I got soaked in the rain, but it was worth it!

I am soaked to the bone.

To protect yourself from getting wet in the rain

You can hold an umbrella over your head. 

You can wear a raincoat or other kind of waterproof jacket. 

You can wear rain boots or another kind of waterproof footwear.

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