Daily use English words with Hindi meaning 50+ English Sentences used in daily life with Hindi meaning
Today we going to learn some basic but very useful daily use English words with Hindi meaning. These daily English sentences can be used in your daily life while you speak English. Learning daily use sentence Hindi to English can be fun but you need to remember one thing before you begin to learn this some daily use English sentences, you must revise it, speak it with your partner and recall it whenever you are in need of theses.
Now it's time to learn 50+ English Sentences used in daily life with Hindi meaning.
Learn Best 50+ Daily Use English Sentences.
# Step 1.
1. यह गलत है ।
it/this is wrong.
2. समझ गये ।
Got it/understood.
3. यह सही है ।
it/this is right.
4. यह सच है ।
it is true.
5. यह झूठ है ।
it is a lie.
# Step 2.
6. कौन है वो?
Who is that?
7. मै कौन हूँ?
Who am I?
8. कौन है?
Who is it?
9. यह कौन है?
Who is this?
10. वहाँ कौन है?
Who is there?
# Step 3.
11. मुझे पता है ।
I know.
12. मै नहीं जानता हूँ ।
i don't know.
13. मै जानता हूँ ।
I know.
14. क्या तुम जानते हो?
Do you know?
15. मुझे सब पता है ।
I know everything.
# Step 4.
16. मै नहीं मानता ।
I don't believe it.
17. वो क्या है?
What is that?
18. क्या हुआ?
What happened?
19. क्या हो रहा है?
What's happening
20. समझ गये ।
Got it/understood.
Did you understand?
# Step 5.
21. क्या तुमने कोशिश की?
Did you try?
22. मै कोशिश कर रहा हूँ ।
i am trying.
23. मै बाजार जा रहा हूँ ।
i am going to market.
24. वह नहा रहा है ।
He is taking a bath.
25. मै कोशिश करूँगा ।
I will try.
# Step 6.
26. क्या चल रहा है?
What's going on?
27. क्या बात है?
What is the matter?
28. तुम क्या कर रहे हो?
What are you doing?
29. तुम क्या सोच रहे हो?
What are you thinking?
30. तुम क्या ढूंढ रहे हो?
What are you looking for?
# Step 7.
31. उसका कोई भरोसा नहीं ।
He is not reliable.
32. तुम्हारा कोई भरोसा नहीं ।
You are not reliable.
33. इसमें उसका क्या कसूर है ?
What is his/her fault in it?
34. इसमें तुम्हारा क्या कसूर है ?
What is your fault in it ?
35. इसमें मेरा क्या कसूर है ?
What is my fault in it?
Daily Use English Sentences list & Common 50+ English sentences used in daily life with Hindi meaning
Learn 50 English sentences used in daily life.
# Step 8.
36. शर्माओ मत ।
don't be shy.
37. जल्दी करो!
Hurry up!
38. खड़े हो जाओ
Stand up.
39. बैठ जाओ ।
Sit down.
40. मेरे साथ चलो ।
Come with me.
# Step 9.
41. चालाक मत बनो ।
don't be smart.
42. इशारा मत करो ।
Don't gesture.
43. झूठ मत बोलो ।
Don't lie.
don't tell a lie.
44. मुद्दे पर आइए ।
Come to the point.
45. तुम कौन हो?
Who are you?
# Step 10.
46. लड़ाई मत करो
don't fight.
47. हल्ला मत करो ।
don't make a noise.
48. कोई है क्या ?
is someone there ?
49. झगड़ा मत करो ।
don't make a quarrel.
50. आप कब आयें?
When did you come?
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