Daily use English words with Hindi meaning 50+ English Sentences used in daily life with Hindi meaning
In this post, you will get to know daily use English words with Hindi meaning that you can use these common English words in daily life. You can laso have daily use english words with hindi meaning pdf. This is the post followed by the previous post.
# Step 1.
51. वह तुम्हारे जैसी दिखती है
She looks like you.
52. तुम क्या चाहते हो?
What do you want?
53. मै अपने घर मे हूँ ।
I am in my house.
54. जाने की जरूरत नहीं है ।
There is no need to go.
55. तुम खड़े क्यों हो ?
Why are you standing?
# Step 2.
56. कृपया करके धीरे बोलिए ।
Please speak slowly.
57. क्या मै अंदर आ सकता हूँ ?
May I come in?
58. हमलोग कोचिंग जा रहे हैं ।
We are going to coaching.
59. मै क्लास मे बैठा हूँ ।
I am sitting in the class.
60. अब मै कुछ बोलूँ ।
May i say something now.
# Step 3.
61. मुझे गुस्सा मत दिलाओ ।
don't make me angry.
62. फोन आ रहा है ।
the phone is ringing.
63. आज छुट्टी है ।
Today is a holiday.
64. घबराओ मत ।
Don't panic.
65. तुम कहाँ से आए हो?
Where have you come from ?
Daily use sentence hindi to english And Hindi to English Sentences translation practice for English Speaking.
Learn common english sentences used in daily life.
# Step 4.
66. आपसे ये उम्मीद नहीं थी ।
I didn't expect it from you.
67. जो हो गया सो हो गया ।
Let bygones be bygones.
68. मै जल्दी मे हूँ ।
I am in a hurry.
69. क्या कहा तुमने?
What did you say ?
70. चिंता मत करो ।
Don't worry.
# Step 5.
71. वह सोया हुआ था ।
He was asleep.
72. मेरे पास नकद रुपया नहीं है ।
I don't have any cash.
73. बकवास मत करो ।/
73. बेकार की बात मत करो ।
don't talk nonsense.
74. इसमें खास बात क्या है ?/
74. इसमें ऐसा क्या खास है ?
What's so special in it
75. मुझे तुम पर गर्व है ।
I am proud of you.
# Step 6.
76. तुम डरपोक हो ।
you are timid/coward.
77. यह किसके लिए है?
Who is it for?
78. तुम कायर हो ।
You are a coward.
79. क्या आप मुझसे क्रोधित हैं ?
Are you angry with me?
80. इसमें रोने वाली क्या बात है ?
What's there to cry?
81. एक बात बोलूँ ।
Do I say one thing?
# Step 7.
82. मुझे लगता है ।
I think.
83. आप मुझसे नाराज हैं क्या ?
Are you annoyed with me?
84. मै पक्का आउंगा ।
i will come for sure.
85. ज्यादा हँसो मत ।
Don't laugh too much.
86. मै जुबान का पक्का हूँ ।
I am a person of words.
# Step 8.
87. यहाँ से चले जाओ ।
Go away from here.
88. तुम्हारी हिम्मत कैसे हुई !
How dare you!
89. आज वर्षा हो सकती है ।
it may rain today.
90. अब आपकी तबीयत कैसी है ?
How are you now?
91. मुझसे कौन मिलना चाहता है ?
Who wants to meet me ?
# Step 9.
92. सुधर जाओ ।/
92. अपनी आदतें सुधारो ।
Mend your ways.
93. वह तो बड़ा ही लीचड़ (आदमी) है
He is very sluggish.
94. क्या ये तुम्हारा आखरी फैसला है ?
Is this your final decision?
95. ये उनका आपसी मामला है ।
It is their mutual matter/affair.
96. ये मेरी आखरी चेतावनी है तुम्हें ।
This is my final warning to you.
# Step 10.
97. क्या तुम्हारे पास मोबाइल है ?
Do you have a mobile ?
98. मै सुबह से काम कर रहा हूँ ।
I have been working since morning.
99. मामला बिगड़ गया है ।
The matter has become serious.
100. क्या तुम कुछ बोलना चाहते हो ?
Do you want to say something ?
101. मै तुमसे कुछ पुछ रहा हूँ ।
I am asking you something.